Who Are We

HubCAN is a grassroots nonprofit organization providing hope to families that have children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our primary goal is to give children on the spectrum and their families pathways and resources to be fully included and integrated in a community that provides a safe and welcoming environment. The events we host are made so that children and their families can participate free of judgement as they share experiences and activities with other families. Our activities are designed to engage children with ASD in a way that is both fun and beneficial. 


Service is at the core of everything HubCAN does. Over the years, we have developed extensive network of families through our programs, resources, and activities. Hear about the benefits of being involved with HubCAN from families and children that we have served below. 

Our Founder – Consuelo’s Story

My story begins in 2005 when I noticed my son had stopped talking. I took him to a speech pathologist hoping he would need speech therapy. The pathologist said my son could benefit from speech therapy and she also mentioned autism. My son was later diagnosed with autism by our family doctor, regional Center and our local School district.
I quickly went in denial. I felt hopeless and alone which left me in a cloud of despair. I then began to educate myself on the topic of autism. I also learned that I have a voice and I must advocate for my son. I became the squeaky wheel at the school district because I refuse to let my son fall between the cracks of the system.
I needed to share the information that I attained with other families and therefore in 2009 I started Hub City Autism Network. – Consuelo